Saturday, July 5, 2008

Go to see movies

My mother and I went to Chulalongkorn hospital to saw a doctor about check our health and after that we went to saw a movie name was “Rak Sam Sao”. Rak Sam Sao is Thai movie, so it use Thai name. This movie was about three people that were close friends and they love each other and their relationship was triangle love. I choose this movie because I like the leading actor very much. I thought he look like Japanese singer that is my idol. But in my opinion this movie was not interested. I thought the story was not interested too much and it made me felt bored when I looked part to the middle of movie.

Akanishi Jin. Japanese singer and My idol.

His name is "Pae" and he is the lead actor in the movie "Rak Sam Sao". I think his face sometimes look like Akanishi Jin. But I think Akanishi is more handsome than Pae. ^^'

And I have saw one more Thai movie name was “Friendship…you and me”. Friendship…you and me were about puppy love of the last year high school boy name is “Sing-ha”(In English his name is mean August). Sing-ha was in love with the girl that study in same classroom and her name is “Mi-thu-na”(In English her name mean June) and Sing-ha was not know how to show the feeling love to Mi-thu-na, so he always ridicule and mimicry her. The wrong doing of Sing-ha make Mi-thu-na feel very angry and Mi-thu-na never talk to him. Sing-ha feels conscious about his behavior, so he asks Mi-thu-na to forgive him. When Mi-tuna forgive him they become something like lover, but finally Sing-ha and Mi-tuna is graduate and they were separate. In the end of the movie Sing-ha meet Mi-tuna again, but Mi-tuna is going to die by HIV because of Mi-tuna has raped in the day that she graduate. I thought the end of this movie was so abrupt and I thought the director should do good more that this.

I think every story that I have see about this 2 week are very bad and I hope I should get the feeling impressed or gratify more than this. I think I will not saw movie anymore and I think buy DVD to see at home is good more than go to see movie at theater.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Nice post and nice images. If I still see Thai links tomorrow I will deduct marks from your total score!