Friday, September 5, 2008

my busy week

This week is my busy week, because I have a lot of works that the dateline are early. So, I spend my time at home and try to finish my works. I thought I’ve done a good job, because my works were already finished for 80%. But it’s not quite good, because the 20% that I left behind were very difficult works. It was Computer for Lawyer’s project. The teachers who taught these subjects were gave me a lot of works and I never do a lot of works in the same time like now before. So, I feel a little bit moody. And I’m not reading books for final exam yet. So, my second feeling is nervous. I just hope that I will not face a lot of works anymore.

Yesterday, I haven’t any subject for studied, so I stayed home and took a raced by enjoyed a movie name is “RATATOUILLE”. The movie was about a rat name is Remy, he want to be a chef and he study a textbook that teach him how to cook. Remy lives in human’s house, but he chase by the house’s owner. Then he escape form human’s house. In the way that Remy escape he see a restaurant and in the restaurant, the man name is Linguini is cook a soup. Linguini doesn’t know how to cook, so a soup that he cook is smelling bad and have an ugly color. Remy see the situation and run into the restaurant, he want to correct the soup by himself. The head chef and another chef see Remy and order Linguini to kill him. But Linguini known that Remy can cook, so he asks Remy to teach him how to cook.

Remy, a little chef and Linguini.

Remy's with the breakfast. (A large size was for Linguini and a little one was for himself)
Another chef in the restaurant.
I think this movie is so cute and give me a good theory. I like the sentence in the movie that said “Not everyone can be an artist, but an artist came from everywhere”. This sentence show me that if I persevere in every thing that I want. I will get everything. Son, I like this movie very much.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Great movie and great slogan!!