Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sunday 9th September 2007

I went to Central Bangna to shopping with my mom. I bought 3 new clothes. My new clothes were for slim women. It’s mean only slim women that can wears it and beautiful. I bought that style because I want to have the power to loose my weight. I don’t want to be a pig like now. When I finished shopping my mother want to ate ice cream at Swensense’s, so I went with her. Swensense’s was has a new menu. It was brownie with two ice creams, wipe cream, cherry and the cone of ice cream. It was very delicious but it was so sweet because I ate only chocolate. When I finished ate ice cream with my mom we were gone home by Taxi. Between the ways from Central Bangna to my home the rain was falling and when I arrived home my clothes that I exposed at my home’s balcony was wet.


Wednesday 12nd September 2007

This is my unlucky day. It was start at the morning when I catch the car to the bus station. The car was very late and when I arrived to the bus station the bus that I must waited for was just drove out the station, so I must waited for a new bus for a long time and the weather was so hot and my make up was melt. When I arrived the university I went to Krungsri Ayudtaya bank to add the money to my account. It was look good, but when I went to update my book bank. The machine that used for update the book bang was error when it was update my book bank, so it ate my book bank. I must went to ask the bank’s official to help me and the official that came to help me was someone that I don’t like, because longtime ago when I came to the bank to add the money to my account she was has badly voice when she talk to me, so I hate her. Anyway, she helps me the thing that I did was say “Thank you” to her and went away. But in the evening when I went home it has a little good luck for me. The bus that I waited was come very fast, so I haven’t waited for a long time. When I’m in the bus, someone sacrifice his seat for me and when I arrived the station that I must take a car to went to my home. The car was come very fast and it was clear, so I have a seat. I thought in unlucky day was have a little good luck for everybody and me, so don’t felt nervous about unlucky day. In unlucky was always have a little lucky.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

You shouldn't be too hard on yourself!! I think most Thai women are too tough on the way they look like.. Tjai yen yen!