Friday, June 20, 2008

My marathon day

Yesterday was my marathon day. My mother and I travel at least three places around Bangkok. I woke up at 8 o’ clock, in reality it must be 7 o’clock. But my mother shut the alarm clock up, so we late for 1 hour. When my mother and I woke up we went to ABAC to contact the ICL depart, they wanted my mother and I signed the contact about borrow money for study in ABAC.

When we finished we went to Century movie center at the victory monument to saw movie name was “Narnia II”. But Narnia II doesn’t have a good time for us, so we saw the movie name was “The happening” instead. The happening was the story about something strange that happened in New York City, USA. Something like the toxic gas made people in New York had problem about the chemical in their brain, they will not fear pain or death and at last they will commit suicide. I thought this movie was interested but I thought it was idiot because the movie pointed that the toxic gas was from the tree and the tree will produce the toxic gas when its feel fear.

I thought it wasn’t reasonable. But the scene was ok, it’s look real when people commit suicide and that made this movie had 3 stars in my opinion.

When my mother and I finished saw movie we went to Central World plaza to shopping at Indy in town market. Indy in town was a shopping center that people made the handmade products for sale and I like its. Yesterday I had looking for shoes and the accessories that had a bow on its. I like bow and I thought everything that have bow was very lovely. I’ve got two shoes that had bows on the top and the one that was painting shoe. The seller paints this shoe only for me and I felt very proud. And I’ve got the earring that had bows too, and one ring that was had a woman face on it. I thought it was strange so I bought one.
The Indy in town market was very interested for me but my mother doesn’t think so. She thought that the material of everything in the market was so bad and the prices were expensive when look at the material. But I told her that was simple for handmade product and the prices were depended on the creative’s idea. I hope my mother understand because she is only one shopping mate for me and if I want something that she don’t like I couldn’t buy it. Because I must listen to my mother’s opinion.

And when we finished shopping, my mother and I went to check my teeth at Chula longkorn hospital. I thought the dentist that checks my teeth was not professional and I thought that I will changed to my mother’s dentist. I had met him 1 time and I thought he is professional.
My mother and I went home about 7 pm. We felt very tried and my legs were swollen and I hope I will never face any marathon day like yesterday.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Last week I went to the victory monument (Anus-sao-wa-ree-chai-sa-mor-ra-phoom) with my mother to saw my mother ‘s friend because she was a committee in Som-tam competition. The Som-tam competition was the project that joins together with Thai movie name is “Som-Tam”. Som-tam (movie) was an action movie that was about the man (the westerner actor) who ate Som-tam and has more power. I thought it is a funny story and maybe nonsense. I thought I would never go to saw it. And in Som-tam competition required the competitor made Som-tam and dance together when they made it. The committee will gave point to a team that do delicious Som-tam and good in dancing. I thought the game was very funny and I’m enjoyed to look it.

When I finish looking the competition, my mother and I went to shopping for DVD. We’ve got a movie name was “Pid-term-Yai….Hua-jai-wa-woon”. This story was love story of the teenager who was founding for love in the summer. It was very good movie that mix emotion between comedy and romantics. I thought this movie made me thought back to my teenager life. I choose to looked at this movie because the movie director is very famous. And the movie that did by him never made me disappointed.

When I my mother and I back home, I played “The Sims 2”. I love it too much and I’m The Sims’s big fan. The ram in my computer was full because of this game. And I must pay money for update everything like ram and graphic. But I still played it. It was very interest, fun and look real. I thought I will play it forever. I'm The Sims mania!!!

This is my family in game. The woman in yellow bikini name is Emily. The man next to her, his name is Antonio. The little girl, her name is Apple and the teen girl name is Orange. They're on vication at "Twiggy island".

Emily with her daughteron the beach.

He is Freddrik and he was sun burn hahaha. Hreddrik is Emily's father and he already died by old age.

I’ve read a topic in an Internet. It was about the woman who was a "beautiful mania". She had low salary but she pay so much. The thing that she paid for were expensive clothes, brand name cosmetics and many course that can make her beautiful. She came from another province. And the way that she shopping too much made she has more money to send to her mother and her father at her hometown. This woman was has much debt because she used the credit cards and she bought everything that she wanted. She didn’t care that the things that she wanted were important or not.

When I read this topic I thought that everybody must knew the sufficient. I thought that we must walk in the middle way like the teaching of the Buddha. If we are doing something too much, it will not good and if we do something very few, it will not good too. So, I thought we must do everything in sufficient.

When I’m freshman in ABAC I crazy in makeup and cosmetics too. I have a lot of blush on, lip-gloss, and eyes shadow. I want to have every color and every tone. But when I have too much cosmetics I can’t used all of it. Some color or something I never used. So, it was expired and it looks like I throw away my money. And now I bought only things that important for me and if I don’t know when I will used I will never bought it. I don’t want to have debt like the woman in that topic and I thought if I do this way it would save my money.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Yesterday, I went to Chula's bookstore with my mother to bought law books for study. Chula's bookstore was had many people, because yesterday it has an actress came to gave signatures to her fan club. That made me felt annoyed. I annoyed fan club that jumble and lie in the way. And the books that I wanted were out of stock, so my mothers and I went to Siam discovery to eat ice cream at Swensense's. Yesterday, the weather was very hot. I try to have white skin but the sunshine was made be have burn skin. I felt upset, so I order a big cup of ice-cream name was "Sticky chewy chock fantasy". It was chocolate flavor and it was so sweet. The ice cream made me felt nauseated and I thought that I would not eat an ice cream anymore.

When my mother and I finished ate ice cream we went to Siam paragon to shopping for my new black skinny jean. At Siam paragon I found many discount clothes that was made by Thai designer and I dropped to look it. Unbelievable, the clothes were very expensive. It was about four thousand or over (I must told you that this price was discount for 80%). Oh my god! But they had someone pay for it. I thought the expensive clothes were very luxurious and I will never pay for it. I thought the cheap clothes that fashionable, beautiful and I can change it when I bored. I thought if I bought the expensive clothes I can't change it when I feel bored, because I will feel regret.

And I still find a black skinny jean. So, I went to shopping at the store name was "Zara". I thought the clothes at Zara were fashionable and beautiful, but it's not good quality. I thought some clothes used bad materials and it's not math with its price. But in my opinion, jeans are ok. I thought it could make me look slim and have long legs when I wear it. Anyways, the black skinny jean was out of stock! That's too bad. So, I back home without anything. But I don't care because at least I'm not loose my money. The out of stock was maybe the lucky thing for today.

On the way to my home, my mother and I went to Amway store to check our heath. Our health was good. But I have a problem about an under exercise and I hope I will have a power to do it.

Friday, June 6, 2008


I was lucky in the third semester. Because I passed all exam in last summer and I felt very glad. So, I brought a gift for my self. It was just a celebrate. The gift that I brought for my self was a little doll. His name is “Shirotan” and he is a seal. I thought that he is so cute and fluffy. In reality when I finished summer’s final exam I thought I didn’t pass, because the exam was very hard and it was time up before I finished. But when I passed I felt surprise.

When I finish studies at ABAC. I went to my mother’s office to do exercise name is “Yoga”. My mother and I liked to do Yoga, because we’re lazy to had hard activities like aerobic dance. We thought aerobic dance was too hard for our knees. I’ve read a technical document and I found that running, jumping was can cause the effect at our knees. So, my mother and I did Yoga instead.

My feeling when I did Yoga was relaxed and had concentration. Yoga was a kind of practice our breathe and mind. Yoga is good for health. And I thought Yoga is can make a good shape.