Friday, June 13, 2008

I’ve read a topic in an Internet. It was about the woman who was a "beautiful mania". She had low salary but she pay so much. The thing that she paid for were expensive clothes, brand name cosmetics and many course that can make her beautiful. She came from another province. And the way that she shopping too much made she has more money to send to her mother and her father at her hometown. This woman was has much debt because she used the credit cards and she bought everything that she wanted. She didn’t care that the things that she wanted were important or not.

When I read this topic I thought that everybody must knew the sufficient. I thought that we must walk in the middle way like the teaching of the Buddha. If we are doing something too much, it will not good and if we do something very few, it will not good too. So, I thought we must do everything in sufficient.

When I’m freshman in ABAC I crazy in makeup and cosmetics too. I have a lot of blush on, lip-gloss, and eyes shadow. I want to have every color and every tone. But when I have too much cosmetics I can’t used all of it. Some color or something I never used. So, it was expired and it looks like I throw away my money. And now I bought only things that important for me and if I don’t know when I will used I will never bought it. I don’t want to have debt like the woman in that topic and I thought if I do this way it would save my money.

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