Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday 10th 2007
My friend gave me the DVD name was The texas chainsaw.It was homicide movie that was very scary and it made me felt very disgust.But my friends like it,so he gave me the DVD.It was about the crazy murderer that have a disease about the tissue on his face and it made his face twiste out of shape.It was his inferiority complex and the town that his family lived was abandoned.They have no food or money and the town was without people too,so they went to killed everybody that astray in this town and take thier meat to ate.When they finish ate their meat the man will roll up the victim face skin and made it to be his mask.It was very disgust and sometime the character killed their victim in cold blood like slice the victim's meat when they were alive.This was one homicide movie that I really hate because it was very frightened.I never saw the movie that frightende like this movie.In present I

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