Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday 25th 2007

Today my mother and I go to the immovable property company at Silom to send our private document for reserve our new condominium. When we’re finish our business we went to see my aunt and her 2 daughters to have lunch together at Chabu-Chabu restaurant at Tonglor. The restaurant name is OK Chabu. I really love this restaurant because it has good atmosphere and the foods is very delicious. My mom love this restaurant too because it is buffet and it has many foods for my mom. My mom and my aunt really like eating, surely that my older sisters and me too. My sisters family and my family like to have lunch or dinner together because we think that it can make us feel close and I like to talk with my older sisters about life or how to solve my problem about learning at university. I think they can teach me about everything because they are older than me about 6 years. They are very good sisters.

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