Saturday, August 25, 2007

Monday 20th 2007

I though that I will start to loose my weight, so I went to supermarket near my home to bought some vegetables and fruits. I thought I would eat more vegetables and fruits because I hope that it will help me loose my weight. When I finish bought foods I went to CD store to buy some exercise CD. I bought Yoga and Aerobic. When I back home I started my first exercise and it made me very tired but I thought I would try again.

I search from internet about how to loose weight in early. I found about the theory name was Fast-5. It was about you can ate food just 5 hours in 1 day and you must refrain food about 19 hours in 1 day. I thought it interest me but I can’t do that because I can’t refrain food 19 hours. It will make me hungry and ate everything that I can see. If I do that it will make me fat more than now. I think I will exercise and refrain candy and snack. I hope that it will make me lose my weight in 3 month.

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