Saturday, August 18, 2007


Saturday 17th 2007

Today I go to Siam Square to have a little party with my high school friends. I feel very excited because I don’t see my friends for a long time. When I see my friends we have lunch at Sizzler. My friends and I like Sizzler because it has buffet salad that we can eat in unlimited and Sizzler is the place that we can sit talk and eat for a long time. When we finish eat lunch we take a lot of pictures together. Somebody I never meet for a long time. May be about two years. This little party is unforgettable because it’s very fun and when I talking with my friends I feel like we are never separate. I feel like we always stay together because we can talk like close friends even though we have separate for a long time. In this party my friends name is Nan told me about the story of other friends that I don’t close with and I can know how are they now. I think I still want to know how about my friends. I want to know how about their life style and how about their life in university. I still think o them. In this meeting I have know about my close friend that start to smoke and I warn her about it. I don’t want her to smoke because smoke is the cause of cancer. I don’t want her die before her suitable age. In this meeting my one close friend has not come because she will have exam at her university. I hope her can do the exam and I want that in next party she will come because I never see her about five or six month.

Oui and me. She is one of my close friends and she study with me when I'm in Mathayom 1 until I finish high school.

This is Jane and me. She is one of my close friends. SHe is funny and she always make me laugh.

This is Pan and me. She is one of my close friends too. She is moving bank in our group because she always have money that her friends can borrow.

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