Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sunday 9th September 2007

I went to Central Bangna to shopping with my mom. I bought 3 new clothes. My new clothes were for slim women. It’s mean only slim women that can wears it and beautiful. I bought that style because I want to have the power to loose my weight. I don’t want to be a pig like now. When I finished shopping my mother want to ate ice cream at Swensense’s, so I went with her. Swensense’s was has a new menu. It was brownie with two ice creams, wipe cream, cherry and the cone of ice cream. It was very delicious but it was so sweet because I ate only chocolate. When I finished ate ice cream with my mom we were gone home by Taxi. Between the ways from Central Bangna to my home the rain was falling and when I arrived home my clothes that I exposed at my home’s balcony was wet.


Wednesday 12nd September 2007

This is my unlucky day. It was start at the morning when I catch the car to the bus station. The car was very late and when I arrived to the bus station the bus that I must waited for was just drove out the station, so I must waited for a new bus for a long time and the weather was so hot and my make up was melt. When I arrived the university I went to Krungsri Ayudtaya bank to add the money to my account. It was look good, but when I went to update my book bank. The machine that used for update the book bang was error when it was update my book bank, so it ate my book bank. I must went to ask the bank’s official to help me and the official that came to help me was someone that I don’t like, because longtime ago when I came to the bank to add the money to my account she was has badly voice when she talk to me, so I hate her. Anyway, she helps me the thing that I did was say “Thank you” to her and went away. But in the evening when I went home it has a little good luck for me. The bus that I waited was come very fast, so I haven’t waited for a long time. When I’m in the bus, someone sacrifice his seat for me and when I arrived the station that I must take a car to went to my home. The car was come very fast and it was clear, so I have a seat. I thought in unlucky day was have a little good luck for everybody and me, so don’t felt nervous about unlucky day. In unlucky was always have a little lucky.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sunday 2nd September 2007

My mother and I went to Gaysorn plaza and saw Louis Vuitton’s Exhibition. It has old products showcase and it has a worker from Louis Vuitton factory came from France to show that how to stitch bags and he stitch a bag show us. The way that a worker stitches a bag was handmade. He will make a hole at seam of a bag and he will use his hand to stitch it in the detail that can’t do by machine and who did a bag must did it finished all bag. I thought it was very amazing. Now I know why Louis Vuitton was expensive. Louis Vuitton’s products were very durable and immortal. I ever been to Louis Vuitton’s shop at Emporium to saw new arrival bags name was “Never full”. Never full’s handle was very thin but the seller told me that it could receive about 100 kg. I don’t know is it true but if it true it was very amazing. I thought it was very strange that when who has one Louis Vuitton’s bag they will want more. Like me in reality I have only one bag from Louis Vuitton but when the time pass I want more. Now I have four Louis vuitton’s bags and I still want another one. I really like Baggy GM. It was so cute and has Louis Vuitton’s own style, but I thought the way that I can have it was keep money to buy it. I thought it must spend for a long time to keep money because Baggy GM’s price was about 55,000 baths. O_O

This is "Never full bags"

This is stitch showcase.

This is "Baggy GM" that I saved from Ebay. It is the bag that I want now.

Saturday 1st September 2007

I went to STLouis hospital with my mother to bought crisp fish. It was very delicious and I like to eat it like a snack and we went to say hello with my grandmother for a while, then my mother's friend came to pick up us to go to do spa at Udomsook. We like massage and did spa because it made us felt relax from did work 5 days in a week. I think spa was having many benefit I thought that spa can made me have beautiful skin (but may be it must do for a long time, because I'm not beautiful now). When we finish massage and spa we went to Seacon square to have dinner. We dinner at Oishi buffet. Oishi was Japanese restaurant. It was very wonderful because it has many uncooked fish that I like and it has Chabu-Chabu, ice cream, soup, sushi and much food that we can ate unlimited. We like to ate and talk together and in important thing was my mother friend. He always paid for us (eiei ^_^). He told me that he want me to ate to much because his son ate to much and his son was very fat, so he thought that I'm very thin when he compare with his son. I tried to evade from him when he ask me to join dinner with him because I don't want to be like a pig.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday 25th 2007

Today my mother and I go to the immovable property company at Silom to send our private document for reserve our new condominium. When we’re finish our business we went to see my aunt and her 2 daughters to have lunch together at Chabu-Chabu restaurant at Tonglor. The restaurant name is OK Chabu. I really love this restaurant because it has good atmosphere and the foods is very delicious. My mom love this restaurant too because it is buffet and it has many foods for my mom. My mom and my aunt really like eating, surely that my older sisters and me too. My sisters family and my family like to have lunch or dinner together because we think that it can make us feel close and I like to talk with my older sisters about life or how to solve my problem about learning at university. I think they can teach me about everything because they are older than me about 6 years. They are very good sisters.


Wednesday 22nd 2007

My friend told me the news about taxi that apply the anesthetic to passenger and take her to raped or robbed her. I traveled to ABAC by taxi everyday and when I heard the news from my friend I felt fear. I thought travel by taxi in Thailand was dangerous because I thought that many chauffeur were bad. I know that it may be have good chauffeur but I thought that bad chauffeur have more that good chauffeur. I heard about raped or robbed always from the news and sometimes from my friends. It made me fear about travel by taxi but I hate to travel by bus because the weather was hot and the bus was very jam in the morning and the important reason was the bus that I have waited for was came so late. If I waited for it I will came to class late.
Monday 20th 2007

I though that I will start to loose my weight, so I went to supermarket near my home to bought some vegetables and fruits. I thought I would eat more vegetables and fruits because I hope that it will help me loose my weight. When I finish bought foods I went to CD store to buy some exercise CD. I bought Yoga and Aerobic. When I back home I started my first exercise and it made me very tired but I thought I would try again.

I search from internet about how to loose weight in early. I found about the theory name was Fast-5. It was about you can ate food just 5 hours in 1 day and you must refrain food about 19 hours in 1 day. I thought it interest me but I can’t do that because I can’t refrain food 19 hours. It will make me hungry and ate everything that I can see. If I do that it will make me fat more than now. I think I will exercise and refrain candy and snack. I hope that it will make me lose my weight in 3 month.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Saturday 17th 2007

Today I go to Siam Square to have a little party with my high school friends. I feel very excited because I don’t see my friends for a long time. When I see my friends we have lunch at Sizzler. My friends and I like Sizzler because it has buffet salad that we can eat in unlimited and Sizzler is the place that we can sit talk and eat for a long time. When we finish eat lunch we take a lot of pictures together. Somebody I never meet for a long time. May be about two years. This little party is unforgettable because it’s very fun and when I talking with my friends I feel like we are never separate. I feel like we always stay together because we can talk like close friends even though we have separate for a long time. In this party my friends name is Nan told me about the story of other friends that I don’t close with and I can know how are they now. I think I still want to know how about my friends. I want to know how about their life style and how about their life in university. I still think o them. In this meeting I have know about my close friend that start to smoke and I warn her about it. I don’t want her to smoke because smoke is the cause of cancer. I don’t want her die before her suitable age. In this meeting my one close friend has not come because she will have exam at her university. I hope her can do the exam and I want that in next party she will come because I never see her about five or six month.

Oui and me. She is one of my close friends and she study with me when I'm in Mathayom 1 until I finish high school.

This is Jane and me. She is one of my close friends. SHe is funny and she always make me laugh.

This is Pan and me. She is one of my close friends too. She is moving bank in our group because she always have money that her friends can borrow.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday 16th 2007

Today my friend and I go to Nomjit to painted our nail. We catch Taxi to go there. The Taxi is drive very fast so we arrived Nomjit very early. It just about fifteen minutes from ABAC to Nomjit. At Nomjit I see The Wax store and it has a group of people use the wax service. I think it interested me but I fear pain and I have no money. So I just look at them and go to paint my nail. I choose the design that very cool and colorful and my friends choose the design that cute and sweet. I really like my design because I think it suitable for my style. When we finished nail painting the rain are falling down and I fear that my bag will wet. My bag cannot wet because it made from cowhide if it wet it will have spot on the cowhide. So my friend give me her jacket to cover my bag and we are back to ABAC by Taxi . My friend and I arrive ABAC safety.


Sunday 12th 2007

My mother and I went to ST.Louis hospital to saw my grandmother again in Mother’s day. I went to see her for massage her and bring her to walk around the garden on the hospital. My grandmother was very old and when she wants to go around somebody must take her to go. When my mother and I finish take care my grandmother we went to shopping at Platinum shopping center. I’ve got only one shirt because my mother was hungry and she want to ate Sizzler. So I take her to Siam quare to eat sizzler and I pay for my mother in Mother’s day. When we were finish ate Sizzler we went to shopping at Siam square and I’ve got another one shirt from there.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday 11st 2007

Today my mother and I went to ST.Louis hospital to saw my grandmother and take her to Mang Korn temple at Yaovarat to made merit in Mother's day.My grandmother was under take care of the nurses at ST.Louis in old section.When my mother,my grandmother and I finish from Mang Korn temple we went to do Mang Ming.Mang Ming was remove the hair on our face and it made by apply the powder on the face and use a stand of cotton rub on our face and the hair will remove.Mang Ming was the procedure that came from china.It was the beauty secret of the chinese bride in the past.

This was the way that Mang Ming.(Credit : this picture was from Google I just search and save it for show how to Mang Ming).Mang was mean remove and Ming was mean face in chinese language.

When we finish Mang Ming we went to have lunch at Jub Kung noodle.Jub Kang noodle was the famous noodle shop at Yaovarat.Jub Kang was mean workman and Jub Kang noodle was called this name because they gave many noodle like they gave to workman(Workman was ate too much).Jub Kang noodle was my favourite noodle store because when I was in highschool when my friends and I went to Yaovarat we always ate Jub Kang noodle.

This picture was Jub Kang noodle store at Yaovarat.

Friday 10th 2007
My friend gave me the DVD name was The texas chainsaw.It was homicide movie that was very scary and it made me felt very disgust.But my friends like it,so he gave me the DVD.It was about the crazy murderer that have a disease about the tissue on his face and it made his face twiste out of shape.It was his inferiority complex and the town that his family lived was abandoned.They have no food or money and the town was without people too,so they went to killed everybody that astray in this town and take thier meat to ate.When they finish ate their meat the man will roll up the victim face skin and made it to be his mask.It was very disgust and sometime the character killed their victim in cold blood like slice the victim's meat when they were alive.This was one homicide movie that I really hate because it was very frightened.I never saw the movie that frightende like this movie.In present I
Monday 6th 2007

I saw Thai movie on DVD.This movie name was Pueng Mang.Pueng Mang was ghost story.It was about the sared drum that live in Thai orchestra.Everybody who want to joined the orchestra must swore to this drum that they will never betraied if they betraied the orchestra they will died.They have someone who betraied the orchestra and died in strange cause like something that invisible came to killed them and it was very frightened.I thought Thai ghost was more scary than American ghost story because Thai ghost was near myself but American ghost was not near myself.I like to saw ghost story or read it but I don't want to saw ghost.I thought I scared.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Friday 3rd 2007

I went to shopping at Platinum shopping center with Linn.I've got four clothes in 1000 bath.It was very cheap.If I went to shopping at Siam Square or Central in 1000 bath I will got only one cloth.I like to shopping with my friends at Platinum shopping center,because we can share idea and help to picked clothes togerther and if we bought three clothes we will get sale about 5%-10%.It cheap than bought one cloth.

When we finished shopping we went to Siam Square to have lunch at Fuji restaurant.Linn and I like to ate Japanese food,because it have low calories and it good for someone that easy to fat like me.


Wednesday 1st 2007

I went to bought Harry Potter book No.7 at Central Silom Complex with my mother.I like Harry Potter and waited for it for a long time.Now it was available and I already bought it.I thought Harry Potter No.7 was easy than my english book it name was "Limitation" this book was very difficult and I doesn't liked to read it.I like Harry Potter and I have read it for 2 chapter.It was very interested me.

When my mother and I went home the security guard at my condominiam told us that Yang temple was burned in the morning.It was big burned and one monk was died in fire.I was very frightened,because Yand temple was very near my condominiam and my mother and I always went to it.

Friday, August 3, 2007


Tuesday 31st 2007

When I finished studied at ABAC I went to joined meeting with my old friends at Siam Square.They were my friends when I'm in highschool.I thought I closed with them more than my new friends at ABAC,because they were easy to talked and we were studied together in 3 years and we were in the same classroom all 3 years.

This is Jasmin and me.We were at Thai restaurant in Siam Square.In real there were many friends with us but I took picture with Jasmin first,because she is one of my close friends.When I'm in highschool I sat with her.I thought this meeting made me felt like I'm back to highschool girl again.I have my close friends again and we were talked together like old day.I felt very happy and wanted this time stay with me together.

This is Lek and me.She is one of my close friends too.When I saw her today I thought she was more beautiful than when she was highschool.She was very slim than me.She made me want to slim like her.

When we were finished lunch we went to Karaoke at Maboonkrong.I like to sing very much and my friends too.We sang and danced we were enjoyed in Karaoke together.

In this meeting I have met my old friends that I don't saw them for a long time.I liked to talked with them again and knew about their lifestyle in the time that we don't met.I thought we will be friends forever.


Monday 30th 2007

Last Monday,I went to Yang temple in the morning to made a merit in Kao-Pan-Sa day.Kao-Pan-Sa day is Buddhism's tradition.In every Kao-Pan-Sa day my mother and I will went to Yang temple near my house to presented food to buddhist priests and carried lighted candles clockwise round a church.When we were finished all of that we went to listened a sermon.The monks talk about Kao-Pan-Sa biography and taught that we should make only good things.

When my mother and I came back from the temple we went to saw Harry Potter at Central Bangna.I really liked Harry Potter.This movie was very interest me and it was very funny movie.I read Harry Potter book and always waiting for the movie.

When I finish from saw the movie I went to dinner at Chabu-Chabu restaurant at Tong-Lor with my aunt's family.It was very good restaurant and have dilicious food.I thought I will take my father to this restaurant when he came back from Chonburi province.